Blossom-day weirdness
It's the Cherry Blossom Festival today! My character (Neo_Kitty!) went to the market to enjoy the celebrations. Officer Copper was there. He offered me a lift home in his police car. He stopped the car round the back of the village by the Dump.
Then he said I was as pretty as the Cherry Blossom and started stroking my hair. He started making grunting noises so I opened the door and ran off home. :(

Sick old pervy policeman :(
The cop is a perv
will u let me be yr toylet slave neo_kitty
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he did that to me too! except i couldnt open the door...they got naked...
The cop isn't just a perv he's a sex adict...du...:)lol(I dont think I spelled that right...oh well...!!)
is your character a BOY? Because it looks like your playing as a boy character.
Good, so I'm not the only one who thinks Neo_kitty's characture looks like a dude.
Hi neo kitty your so lucky you got away were as i got locked in there the next thing i new he was naked he was dancing up and down me as if i was a pole im only 8 and i dident know what he was doing anyway nook came in and told me to run home the next thing i new i heard strange noices coming from the staitoin somthing like uhhh....uh...more....more strange huh?
that is just a trick to get you in bed. EEWWWWWWWWWWW!
he's being friendly big deal!
Okay, there is a HUGE diff. between friendly and FRIENDLY!
he deffinatly luv's ya lol!!!!!!!!!
The same thing happened to me except he was REALLY close to rapping me he was naked and when he was about to lick my *** I kicked him in the face,dropped some heavy thing on him and was out cold then I knocked out Booker then I took a knife and made a hole in the door then the real police came and killed them with shotguns. Then I made out with one of the hot real police guys and we had children.(Two girls and a boy)
Hey I got raped by copper too. He said he was off shift in 5 minutes so he said he would take me home. So after 5 minutes, he took me into is house and started striping me. Then he got undressed and started licking my *** and private and kissing my neck. Then he got up whent to the phone, and called Nook, Blathers,Booker,and Redd and they all came and started rapeing me. So they licked my ***, private and kissed my neck. Then they told me to suck their balls or else so I did and they raped me for days.
Copper raped me once when I was in my home. He said he would take me home in 2 minutes so he would drop me off at my house. He took me inside, droped his pants took off his shirt, and took off his undershirt and underwere:p He told me to close my eyes and lay on the bed. I screamed real loud and I saw my bff come to rescue me. She kicked opend the door took Copper off me and kicked him in the "hurting spot." So we sued him and got $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 from the sueing.
I thought cops were supposed to CAPTURE pervs, not BE pervs?
Me and my friends were playing this game years back (mind you i was younger) and Copper sunddenly took me into his car, locked the car, and i soon as i knew we were making out at the beach while all the guys in my town were taking pictures and drooling
you werdooos have i great imagination the game wouldnt come out and be rated E for everyone if it had sex in it :)
No crap its a joke.
I cannot beleive how many people are not getting it or feel the need to explain it..If you can't get the joke on your own you don't deserve it.
Same thing Happened to ME!!!
I was walking home from the beach when copper pulled up in front of me. He said he would drive me home but instead he took me to his house! He took off his shirt and pants(underwear included. Then he did the same to me. I was only 8 when this happened so I didn't know what was going on. He started licking my *** and sticking his tongue in my ***. I tried to get away but he locked the door! Then he made me sit on the floor and suck his ****. He said that if I didn't he would kill me and my family so I had to suck his **** and let him rape me for a week!
Never talking to Copper again!!!
heres what happened:
Copper came over to my house, which he doesn't ever do, and he said 'lets go for a walk,' so i did cause i love going for walks. When we got to tom nooks place (which was closed because it was about six in the morning) he shoved me inside, locked the door and started licking me in my ***. He made me do the same to him, or else he'd do worse than what he was doing. finally i did it and he began to hump me. i tried to scream but he wouldnt let me. my nintendo DS wouldnt let me stop playing. finally he let me go but he said 'if you tell anyone ill come in while your sleeping and (bleep) you.'
i didnt tell anyone but anytime i go near where he is he'll start humping me. only if its dark out though.
I don't play when its dark anymore.
this never happened u r all lying
pervy copper...
i once turned on my game to find copper in my house, with no pants on, playing the sexy music that i got from KK Slider.
when he saw me he tried to run but I grabbed him and locked him in my cabinet i was going to call the police, but copper is the police.
this happened months ago and I havent unlocked the cabinet since.
Is this a fake video ?
Ummm is that really true cuz I don't have him yet
Like I searched that on wiki and other sites but I didn't say anything about that so I don't believe u
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