Meet-up!! :)
I went to an Animal Crossing meet-up at the weekend!
It wasn't very good.
I hoped to swap towns with lots of people, but only one man brought his memory card. His name was Derek. He looked quite old, but said he was only 28.
He said he'd pick me up after school and take me to see his Animal Crossing town in person, because he doesn't like showing it off in public. He said my mum said it was OK, which was strange, seeing as he's never spoken to my mum!

This is Derek. He's 28. He has a CAR! He's picking me up after school tomorrow. Should be fun! :)
My name's Brian, I'm also just over 28 and I love Animal Crossing too.
Are you a girl? What's your MSN ID? How old are you? Have you got any photos?
28? Man, he could be 18, 20 perhaps! That is one hot guy.
If Tony Blair can play a high school student in some fairly soap opera then this ugly face can certainly be 28. LOL
Nah, hes not 28. He lied about his age.
Hes 29.
he's not 29, stupid!
cant u tell?
he's 30!
He clearly isnt 28, 29, or 30. you all are stupid to think like that.
he is 12, 13 possibly
he could even be 11 that guy looks young
NO! He is like 71,000,000,000,000,000 years old he is an old ass
dude, he cant be younger than, like
79. he could have been older and put that cream that makes you look younger which means, if he in that picture put that special "cream" on himself, he should be around 80 years old
you're gonna get raped.....
butthead not very nice he looks like 96 tho..
not to be rude or anything..
u peps say mean things about him; hese only 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999!
You shouldn't go with him. He's obviously lying. He can't swap in public, he has a car,he looks old but he says he's 28. Doesn't that sound a bit suspicious? I can't beleive your mom said that it's okay! And don't listen to brian.
wait, sorry. HE said your mom said it was okay? I'm sure your mom wouldn't say such a thing. You should've told your mom if she said it was okay. After all, it seemed like he never spoken to your mom before.
he's an old bag!
OMG!!!!!! He is soooo gonna rape you!! Run home and call the police if he asks to go in his room.
Why in the world do you trust this guy! It's so easy to know that he is going to rape you! So stay clear of him
Don't listen to derek he should be more of a gamer and have a history book of his gamer experance so if he doesn't have a history so don't talk to a stranger
cut that second so
cut that second so
OMG he looks like he is 40
or somethin
49 to 54!
a Pedo alert
i'm a dickhead
can i say something? ur an idiot 4 beliving him!!! get away b4 its 2 late!
i think he's 50
you're a fucking idiot.
this is really......
This guy looks like he's from the dinosaur ages...
he's got to be 60!!!
Woah i wonder what happened to the guy.
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