Pervy Oxford :(
Couldn't sleep, so got up at 4:00am to play. Oxford was in my house! He said he often sneaks in at night to rub his winky on my clothes while I am sleeping :(
He said he was sorry but now I have to throw everything on the dump because it reminds me of HIM.

Stupid stupid Oxford.
If you think oxford ha a problem, what about mitzi? She is an exhibitionist:
You perv! :)
i check this page everyday... *sniff* ... you're not coming back are you??... *sob* .... it's like mum running away all over again... *waaaargh* :(
hey I saw this on the new issue
of electronic gaming monthly
he did the same thing to me..... i went on the internet and i found out that i can burn my house and have tom nook build a new one....
the new one now looks like a mansion..i now need to pay him 1,459,678 bells
well, at least my house is clear of that oxford-freak-willy-rubbed-on stuff
i want a toilet in my house too
last night i woke up at 4:00 am too to play
there was a big puddle next to my bed.
i guess i didn't hav enough time to go to roald(the penguin)'s house. he has a big bathroom...actually, his whole house is a big bathroom with a sink, 4 toilets, a bath tub, and a scary painting...what a true bathroom needs.
just so u know, i was talking about animal crossing
i'm stil heer iv got no mate
I like the smell of your jumpers too!
Umm. Im new. im an 8 year old girl. I need help. someone please reply. I wanna be in the conversation. WAAAAAAHHHH!
Oh and whoever said mitzi is a dummy yer wrong. I got her in my town.
if you wanna b part of the conversation, say something and we'll comment on it thus starting a conversation that you know wats going on.
Your jumpers smell nice... :)
new 8 year old girl we welcome you to our website mostly neo_kitty's but ours none the less
(our chatting room web site)
what the f*** is all this crap? sounds like a game for small children to meet paedophiles and get raped..
i wish okford did this to me on animal crossing...sounds sexy!
rite well i hav animal crossing on ds and nofin like this has happen it bin fine nofin gross or sexy or pervy. Hmmm it must b that da ds version and da version u hav on ure xbox or gamecube is different. Thank god aswell!
P.S Oxford sound realli weird his mind must b messed up. da weird willy wipin jumper sniffer
oxford isnt preverted hes just sexy.
Please tell me how this happened I WANNA BE IN THIS CONVOSATION! What version do u av people?!
ok u guys are officialy pervs!!!
i mean realy (i am sounding like my mom)THIS WON'T HAPPEN!
LOL! Obviously a sticker!
what happens to me is he sneaks in my room when I'm watching tv pushes me on to my bed and tries to rape me -_-'
crazy cow!
That happaned to me except it was Hugh and he was trying to rape me while I was sleeping and when I was putting K.K. songs into my tape deck. HE IS A PERV! My best friend agrees and he pulled off raping her when she was sleeping. When she found out in the morning she screamed and barfed.
shut up stupid 8 year old this is uhhhh older people conversations so SCRAM
Bye Bye,
is this on gamecube or ds?
How do you know when they r tryin to rape you? Pelly came to my house the other day and she was all like huggin me and goin "oh yeah!!" What does that mean?? By the way i am a girl
i had pelly com in my room aand she made out with me and said hi sexy
and i said after she left oh no you didnt lesbain
dont you have to be ten or older to have this game!!!!!???!!!!!!
So glad I don't have Oxford my town...
So glad I don't have Oxford my town...
Obviously fake...anyway this blog is a scam itself! You guys believe this junk? Yes its SUPER funny but no its not real... anyway I was on animal crossing the other night and I saw this robber guy dressed in all black...I talked to him and he was like "lets go simon...oh wait! your not simon!" he jumped in the river and fled taking my favorite animal friend Goldie -.- I got this letter from goldie telling me to open my gate so i did and she was like all torn up, crying and everything. She had the moldy shirt on and was to hysterical to explain the story. has this happened to any one else?
- from freaked out corie!
no no NO!!!
Oxford raped me today!
I hate him now!
oxford came to my town and im scared of him now
ööhm, is this a Fake-Site ?
Oxford tried to have his way with me TOO!!!
So I slashed him with a straight razor until he K.O.ed'!!!
He such a pervy bull!!!
I don't want Oxford... I already have an AC bf, Anchovy. I think he is soooo cute!
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