Poor little Katie :(
She was scared and crying. Blathers found her and made her do bad things.

It was legs AND tummy :(((

Poor Katie. I know how she feels, it was the same when I went to meet Steve, Chris, Mike, Dave, Tom, Derek, Paul, Alex, Henry, Gary, Neil, Pete and Andy that time.
I hope they used a condom.
Hey neo kitty I've never even been to your town so don't spread lies! And I haven't seen that Katie kitten for months, in fact the banging on the inside of my lovely armoire seems to have stopped this week. I only put her there for safe-keeping until her mum came to collect her. : (
I'll have to bury her behind Angus' house now. : (
Don't taunt me with mentions of the mythical Lovely Armoire :(
Nice hat. Which one is that?
This entire blog is so goddamn funny, I would have died laughing if my body hadn't gone and developed multiple tumors as a method of calming me down. Now I'm just depressed.
Reading this makes me want a DS and a copy of Animal Crossing... Great job on the blog... I admire your editing skills.
I know you are feeling depressed so check This website out
wow duch a nice house @_@
This whole blog's great! You do a good job of making DS parodies.
Is this all happining on animal crossing wild world
Hello Everyone
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Nook and Blathers should really get together . then they could both enjoy gay orgis . isnt that a great idea?
no wonder nook kept asking me over i worry about timmy and tommy....
did nook rape her i feel bad 4 timmy and tommy does any1 haveac for the ds?
Ok, im new to animal crossing, Katie is following me asking for her mum and asks me to take her to the beach, her mum isnt there.. what do i do?? :-S
hannah your friend on the other side of tag mode has the mom. just go to town gate OKay?
email me!
ewww. One day i couldnt fall asleep. no big deal. I go onto acww, and i go into the able sister shop. and i saw sable and nook gon at it. it was about 12ish. so, i talked to mable who was sleeping ( i woke her up) and asked her why the shop wasnt closed. She thought sable locked it. Sable put her shirt back on and said she was goning 2 when nook came inside and proposed to her. they have been doing 'IT' for hours. SO now theres this little procipine raccon baby running around my town named Rable Nook. its all so very weird and now mable has a crush on copper. oh no!
is this animal crossing on the gamecube?
omg ive seen mable and blathers do it in the coffee shop i went in and they were naked i asked what they were doing but they ignored me then i looked at the counter and there was this book about "it" i felt as if i was gonna barf then when i went in the next day there was condoms everywere ewwwwwww !
It makes me sick to actully fink dat nook would rape a lil kid and for blathers to touh her ewwww gives me da shivas
Hey, what version is this because this DOESN'T HAPPEn!!
that is so so sick
Is that the Gamecube version of animal crossing and what is gamecube anyways... In the Nds version, it doesn't happen.
Plz give me more info about the gamecube! no_onerocksthisworld@yahoo.com
This is worse ive seen pelly and blathers do it in the town hall it was about 1 in the morning and i deiced to go get some bells out i went in there and they were naked on the floor doing it screeming yeahhhhh...more.ummmm.uhhhhhhhh....uh then i saw a book about unushal "it" and 5 packs of comdoms thre was also 2 vibraters and 1 dildo ewwww i barfed on them!
so sad so cute!
i think this is halarious! i am so cracking up right now
i think that picture is also weird
i think blathers touched her in her privates
nook probly kissed her for a long time!
sex is very nice
i want katie 2 come 2 my town she is cute!x10000
I saw Redd and Katrina doing it. See,Katrina's tent closed two hours ago,and I wondered why the light was still on and I saw a box of condoms on the floor and I threw up in the box.Redd and Katrina heard me and looked up(Katrina's table can turn into a king sized bed) and thier clothes were on the floor and Redd's like "Ummm... honey we got some troble." Katrina looked at me and fainted. She fainted in a werid spot so I could look up her private. When Redd saw,he had this look on his face,like Katrina was the hottest girl on the planet.My face turned green and I fainted too. When I woke up,my best friend Goldie was looking at me and she explained Redd was trying to rape me when I fainted but she had come inside just in time. She saved me and sued Redd and I got all his furniture and two mainsions. I still don't know if Katrina is alive or not. Her sister Katia, replaced her and my fortune was a hot guy would take me away and have "it" with me. That happened! Oh,and Katrina and Redd had it for FOUR HOURS!
No wonder i never see that kitty anymore, good ol nook is rapeing it back in his shed.
Nook raped me once in his home. He said he would take me to his house to have a sleepover and lots of people would be their. So I said okay. Then he took me in his home and told me to get changed into my binki (he had a pool) so I did and he told me to go to his room and to wait there. I saw him make a phone call to Copper, Booker,Redd and Blathers and told them to come over. After 1 minute, they all(Including Nook) came to the room I was in, and striped me. Then they all got undressed got on me and started licking my private and ***. Then they were kissing my neck and saying "So Juicy." They raped me for days and called more people to come and rape me, and saying it was fun:P And after they kept taking me to their house and raping me:p
The one who did the fourth to last comment im sorry. I dont hate you because you are my friend(: once agin im sorry.
OMG I saw Blathers doing "it" with Bewster I saw a box of condoms on the floor they were called "glow" so when I looked up this lite green light was lighting up on both of there privates. I started screaming. They looked up from kissing, and Blathers was like "shes hot." and Bewster said "come on over here and lets have a three some." Then Blathers was like " If you run, we will block you and rape you insted." I tried to run but they grabed me by the ankles and riped my clothes off,pulled out a bed, threw me on the bed and started raping me. Blthers said if I screamed then no one would hear. So I kept quite wile they raped me. So every night if I come to the roost. Bewster would come up to be and rip my clothes off throw me on the bed hold me down and call Blathers. So now I dont go to the roost at night.
OMG I saw Copper and Mable do "it" in Mables shop. I was wondering why Mables shop was open so late. So I went inside there where condoms everywhere. I saw Copper on top of Mable. And Mable was like "ohhhh yeah more more harder harder" Then Copper looked up, and saw me waching. So Copper was like "Mable we have some company." Then Mable looked up and fainted her legs where spred apart so I could look up her private. Then Copper said to come over there. But insted I ran.
Hi new to acww. But in my version none of that happens what game r u playing or what version!? plz answer my q's.
This is Haley I posted the comment above!
I posted the comment above I'm Haley I'm still confused on what game u guys r playing!
It is the American game Haley. I have to admit something... WE MADE ALL OF THIS UP! It is all fake Haley. But Haley,it is very fun to make up these stories! Really! Try it sometime. Maybe some of it is true but it never happened to me. So if that answers your qustion Haley,go to my blog please. Nothing horribly sick is on it. Please go.
Signing off-Marieh10
Oh thanks for clearing that with me I was a little confused I've only been playing for 2 weeks and none off that happened and i wondered y. I thought it might by a different game with the same name or on the play station or something but how do you get to marry someone, can that happen?
This is ♥Haley♥
P.S. Marieh it wont let go on your blog for some odd reason I guess cuz im not a "blogger". :/ oh well i'll try again later.
No Haley, you can not marry people on animal crossing. Well, not to my knowledge. Haley,maybe you can, but what I know from Nintendo,you can't. I guess I am a help adviser. And I guess I made a new friend. I am young, a girl of 10. So I am guessing your around that age.
Signing off- Marieh10
there is no freakin psp verion i know cuz i have a psp
I am around that age i am turning 12 on wed! (April 23)and thx for telling me that. im might be getting a gamecube for my b-day so that means that i will probably be getting animal crossing with it considering the only things i do r eat, sleep, school, bathroom, and play animal crossing! lolz and if i dont get it i will buy it so im prety sure i will get it either way. also thx again!
Your welcome entirly Haley! I will give you info if anything out of the ordanary happens in my town! If you have any questions,please post and tell me,Haley.
Signing off-Marieh10
ok no prob today is my b-day and after we eat im getting a game cube cuz i got some $ so im buying animal crossing with the gamecube!
OH i do have 1 question on the link where it says "I COMPLETED IT!!! :)" dose that really happen? If not then how did they do that to make bwester say "I love you."?????? IM SO CONFUSED!!!
No it dosen't Haley. Well, maybe it does but not from my knowledge.
Signing off-Marieh10
P.S. I forgot my password so I'm not a blogger anymore.
I have seen katrina doing porn.And she said it was all for 'crazy' Redd.Then the next day she had wild hot sex with Redd.
YO Haley u sound hot ur the same age as me or on wensday that is so write back and tell me if ya have a boyfriend. K?
P.S. Marieh u sound hot 2 write back please thanks! :)
...Poor Katie. Raped by Blathers. AND Tom Nook. I avoid them at all costs.
ha just kidding haley lol
peace Logan
you mean tom nook like you know?
yea they SHOULD use that condom u caught
OMG!! Blathers and tom nook did that to me too!! And lyle he sold me insurance and then he led behind my house and he.. he... oh god.
Tom Nook told me that i could pay off my loan if i did somthing for him. Next thing you know my persons close were off and the store was closed.
Blathers was the worst. I was in the dino excibit and then the all the lights went off but one and then he... he.. I try not to relive it D:
Your such a whore.
now im kinda scared u r all strange strange people did all that stuff u were saying happen?
your all liers.ive been playin animal crossin for 4 years now and none of tht every happend.
Today Katie told me she got 2 tickets to see a porn show.
It was supposed to have live rapists, touchers, humpers, condom makers and lots more.
I'll tell you all that happened when I get back.
I had so much fun!
I was blindly raped with no condom, touched in my vagina, in my butt and sucked my steroidal boobs.
Someone took the deluxe pack which included: No condom or protection, A sucking everywhere and saying soooo juicy, Touching inside the vagina and sucking of a dick.
A humper humped me with an extra touching.
This condom maker made me a special condom that glowed and you could feel it during the sex.
Tom Nook was there and we touched in the closet, but mrs.nook found us and I...I sucked her!
During the sucking, Tom Nook kept saying "Sex is great! I made 100 deals today!"
It felt soooo nice.
This human was there and he raped me and Katie.
It felt like heavenly sex.
We didn't use a condom.
I might be pregnant.
Dr.Shrunk wanted to check me out and touch me.
Even my brother Blathers was there and he was sucking Katrina.
Lyle was going in and out out Crazy Redd.
Then Katie went and had sex with a snowman.
When I was walking home alone, this rapist started raping me.
He tried different ways and sex positions.
in and out, he went.
Then my mom saw and she was raped too.
Once I was going in the roost to have a cup of Java...just as normal and I realised that the pigeon guy wasn't there so I decided to leave. Just as I was about to leave I saw condoms everywhere then I saw Tom nook and Crazy redd having 'IT'! I felt like I was gonna barf...ewww
one time i was going into the roost to have my coffee like i do all the time and i saw that brewster wasnt there. so i started to leave when i heard grunting behind me. i turned around and brewster and kk slider were doing it. i tried to run but they got up and grabbed me and raped me for days. every time i come to the coffee shop they do the same thing. so i warned my friends about it, and they didnt believe me and went to the coffee shop. they got raped too and i havent seen them since.
People, there is no such thing of any of this in the 3 versions of AC. It's a great game and Neo_kitty is just joking! (:P Funny)
I've played all 3 versions for AGES (DS one for longer than all others. but still! I guarantee you, non of this happens@!
LOL this blog is so funny.
Hey I found this website with this story about tom nook its very well written. Tom Nook is evil!
Read it plz! Its very well written.
At the end Neo_Kitty said that Derek did this to her along with other people! :o
Anonymous said...
ewww. One day i couldnt fall asleep. no big deal. I go onto acww, and i go into the able sister shop. and i saw sable and nook gon at it. it was about 12ish. so, i talked to mable who was sleeping ( i woke her up) and asked her why the shop wasnt closed. She thought sable locked it. Sable put her shirt back on and said she was goning 2 when nook came inside and proposed to her. they have been doing 'IT' for hours. SO now theres this little procipine raccon baby running around my town named Rable Nook. its all so very weird and now mable has a crush on copper. oh no!
12:26 AM
REPLY TO THAT MESSAGE:Here's my version.
Ewww. One day i couldn't fall asleep. no big deal. I turned on my game.
Maple walked by Nookway the light is still on.
She walked inside and Nook locked the door and turned off the lights.
Hes ties Maple to the wall and takes her clothes.Then Maple sees Nook not wearing clothes and has a glowing condom on.The window is covered with curtains.No one can see in. they have been doing 'IT' for hours.So now my character is trapped in there as Nook's Slave.
I tried to reset, but Nook said he he no escape now! :o
I thought there was something funny when Nook was selling a bound and gagged kitten as a special but I didn't want to be rude so I bought it.
i was in Nook's shop and I was selling my stuff, then i was going to go back outside, but the door was locked. he tackled me and i fainted when i woke up i was naked and blathers and tom nook and crazy redd were all there and they kept doing all kinds of weird things to me. Later after id gotten away I had to go back and I went back to his shop and the same thing happened. i don't know what to do!! i need to sell things, but I don't want them to do that to me again! what should I do????
i think u should tell your best friends and let them help u
i was in the roost and brewster wasnt there. i could hear thumping from the back room. i thought what if hes locked in there and cant get out and i opened the door and found blathers and brewster doing gay sex and i think i fainted.
when i came to they werent there but i think im pregnant :(
i was at the roost one time and blathers came in and he turned the light off. i couldnt see anything and i tried to run but brewster grabbed me and covered my mouth so i couldnt scream. They took me into the back room and started sucking my boobs (im a girl) and licking me. i only got out by kicking both of them in the balls and running.
It seems to be very interesting. I am waiting when it would be launched.
It would be fun as it provides a lot of new features.
I went to Nook's sleepover! It was super fun,except
after he gave me a special drink, I didn't remember
anything from the night before and woke up with a major
headache! Can't wait til the next one! ^_^
Nice one but always using a hat is the best way.
Poor Katie. You know, some people here are REALLY dirty minded. Shes a little kid! Its not funny Dx
I know that everyone says that Katie is an annoying brat, but I think she is just a poor upset little kid who wants her mom. She is really sweet tho. I heart her, and wtf is up with the names. Katie and Kaitlin are cat names. Sadists 4 defo
Yep. Butch lived in my town and asked me to come over. So I did. :)
But then he kissed me and licked me allover, Putting his c**k in my p***y and I was like: "Nooo!" And he was like: "Yeah." There was cum everywhere and he called Maddie to clean it up but he raped her too. :(
Blathers and Nook are just complete freaks. I had Katie in my town and she said 'that Blathers at the museum and Nook teamed up and ... WAAA'
Would Blathers and Nook stop it... And Celeste said she saw Blathers and Katie in the Roost and Celeste just left them. Celeste, you PRAT!
OMG! Poor Katie! She is only a little kid and already she is being raped!!! WTF, previous commenter. That can't happen you liar!
none of this is true!
I have been playing Animal Crossing for years!
I know its funny and all but its not true
Ugh... My house mate, Benatar did horrible, unspeakable things to me... Licking me... Touching me... Penetrating me... -_-'''
Ew. I hate him so much... 8(
One time I went to Nookingtons, I guess it was pretty late. I wanted to sell some of the stuff I didn't need. I walked in, and Nook was being his usual selp "HELLO! WANNA BUY SOME OF MY OVERPRICED SHIT?" I sold the stuff and he said "Wait here a minute". I waited. I decided to sit down. Nook came back no longer in his fancy navy suit. In his underpants. I stood up and began to run to the door, he must have locked it. He said "GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR BITCH!" He scared me. I did what he said. He ripped my spotty dress off and said "I'm gonna take you on a journey". He pulled of his pants and revealed a very large penis, it was hairy, and brown. I have to admit... I felt abit turned on, but what happened next I was not expecting. He got on all fours, pushed me down and started licking my boobs. I told him to stop, he didn't stop. He then said " Your mine now, LICK IT!" He pointed at his monster cock. I gave him a blow job, it went all the way down my throat, it chocked me. I had to stop for abit. He spanked me on my ass, it really hurt. But... then he did the worst possible thing. He started licking my fanny. I got wet real fast. Then he got his penis and stuck it right in, he shouted. I squealed. It went right in, he started to cum inside me. Then he started humping. In, out, in, out. He didn't stop for a while. When he did, he held his cock up to my face and a white shower of cum sprayed my face. I closed my mouth. He held it open, he made me swallow it. Then he started humping me again. He stopped a few minutes later and stood up, he walked to his telephone on the counter. "Hey, Cooper I have a new toy. Get your ass over here". When he arrived he stripped too. His penis was long and skinny, pale white. He decided to lick my boobs first while Nook licked my vagina. Then they swapped. Cooper made me give him a hand job, then a blow job. Then he stuck his cock insode me. He was much more rough. In, out, in, out, spank, spit. It hurt. Then they both started looking for things to put inside me. Nook fucked me with a fishing rod. Cooper went to get Timmy and Tommy. He ripped their clothes off and started hitting them, they were crying. Nook got his video camera out and made Timmy have sex with me. He had a very small penis, what you expected from a child. Then it was Tommy's turn. They said I was to speak of this to nobody... I waled out of Nookingtons that morning. I waddled. Bluebear asked what was wrong, I just said I wasn't feeling well.
One time I went to Nookingtons, I guess it was pretty late. I wanted to sell some of the stuff I didn't need. I walked in, and Nook was being his usual selp "HELLO! WANNA BUY SOME OF MY OVERPRICED SHIT?" I sold the stuff and he said "Wait here a minute". I waited. I decided to sit down. Nook came back no longer in his fancy navy suit. In his underpants. I stood up and began to run to the door, he must have locked it. He said "GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR BITCH!" He scared me. I did what he said. He ripped my spotty dress off and said "I'm gonna take you on a journey". He pulled of his pants and revealed a very large penis, it was hairy, and brown. I have to admit... I felt abit turned on, but what happened next I was not expecting. He got on all fours, pushed me down and started licking my boobs. I told him to stop, he didn't stop. He then said " Your mine now, LICK IT!" He pointed at his monster cock. I gave him a blow job, it went all the way down my throat, it chocked me. I had to stop for abit. He spanked me on my ass, it really hurt. But... then he did the worst possible thing. He started licking my fanny. I got wet real fast. Then he got his penis and stuck it right in, he shouted. I squealed. It went right in, he started to cum inside me. Then he started humping. In, out, in, out. He didn't stop for a while. When he did, he held his cock up to my face and a white shower of cum sprayed my face. I closed my mouth. He held it open, he made me swallow it. Then he started humping me again. He stopped a few minutes later and stood up, he walked to his telephone on the counter. "Hey, Cooper I have a new toy. Get your ass over here". When he arrived he stripped too. His penis was long and skinny, pale white. He decided to lick my boobs first while Nook licked my vagina. Then they swapped. Cooper made me give him a hand job, then a blow job. Then he stuck his cock insode me. He was much more rough. In, out, in, out, spank, spit. It hurt. Then they both started looking for things to put inside me. Nook fucked me with a fishing rod. Cooper went to get Timmy and Tommy. He ripped their clothes off and started hitting them, they were crying. Nook got his video camera out and made Timmy have sex with me. He had a very small penis, what you expected from a child. Then it was Tommy's turn. They said I was to speak of this to nobody... I waled out of Nookingtons that morning. I waddled. Bluebear asked what was wrong, I just said I wasn't feeling well.
Not suprised at Tom Nook, although I wonder if Nook made her say the thing about Blathers.
Laela... wtf? Thats a SICK story -.-
All the comments here in a nutshell:
s0 1 s@w t0m n00k d001ng 33t w1d s@bl3!!!111!!!FREAKINGELEVEN!!! 0gm!!!!
Get a f***ing sense of humor
Omfg u are so not 10 you creep
Omfg I m sooooo jealous but once I was awake at ten o clock I turned on animal crossing got outside to see Lyle(uh) as soon as he saw me he started stripping then his d*** sprung out it was erect and about 9 inches some how my character fainted and now dr shrunk said a baby is due in 8 weeks omg the reason I'm so jealous is because butch is my lover mmm love his cum
Lovely, this was a really nice post. I just ordered these new release at PIJ! I’m excited! I’m going to have these in week! http://bit.ly/animal-crossing-3ds
Ok some of the posts were funny, this one not so much but people doing the creepy comments: WHAT THE HELL?! THATS NOT FUNNY! SOME PEOPLE HERE ARE TEN, I AM 12 AND SEROUSLY I AM SCARRED FOR LIFE!!!
On the other hand keep editing Neo_Kitty and stay away from posts like this one to avoid the FREAKS like guy with a knife and Mr.cool.
Hi I'm caitacww and I want to tell you about the hottest day in my acww life. Ok here goes.
9.30am : I was going to the able sisters when I noticed something different. All of the clothes were outside. I walked inside to see if anything was wrong and I saw Sable fucking a clothes holder thing and Mable lying on the the counter legs apart with Butch pumping in and out of her tight wet pussy.
I know I'm probably not the first to ask but is that true
I remember something that happened not too long ago. I was walking outside, and I saw Chadder and decided to talk to him. He said instead of talking out here, why don't we go to my house? (Mine) I agreed and led him the way to my house. Once we went inside, he locked the door and turned off the lights. He pushed me onto my bed and I blacked out. I woke up, and Chadder was on top of me. In and out, he went. I tried to yell, but he shoved his hand on my mouth, covering it. Many people heard strange noises coming from the house, but they just thought I was moving furniture around. Chadder told me he didn't have protection. Obviously, I didn't either because I wasn't expecting this. He later taped my hands and arms behind my back and taped my mouth shut. He used my telephone and called Blathers and Tom Nook. He said there was a new customer for them. Once they both arrived at my house, Chadder made me suck his you-know-what. Nook rubbed me and Blathers licked me. They all started rubbing their you-know-whats all over me, making me covered with a certain white thing and all wet. They started taking turns with the sucking, rubbing, and licking. They started to spank me, making tears flow out of my eyes. They pushed me onto the bed again, me and you-know-what-ing on me. None of them were protected. They washed theirselves off and washed me off. They said if I told anyone, I'd be sorry. Then, they left.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwqqe im 11 you guys are realy realy gross
All I did was walk into Club LOL and saw Cherry get her cherry popped. That is all to say
P.S This is 2020, a dystopian world where people lust after this cat nerd named Raymond. Don't have a clue why, but If you're reading this, then go search for him. Also one more story: I screwed Francine and Chrissy in one night. Good day.
P.P.S written from Kid Cat
Read this, actually kind of discomforted me, but made me laugh. Happy (late) 14th anniversary of this post
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