Going back to AC :(
After five months I go back and everyone has died :(

It's the new month soon and I'm looking forwards to catching all those new fish! One day I'll have the Golden Fishing Rod I know it!
She was scared and crying. Blathers found her and made her do bad things.
Yay! Finally completed Animal Crossing!
Morag the Scottish heroin dealer was in the town last night, like she is every Saturday!
What's a "midnight freeview"?
Merry Christmas everybody!
Nintendogs is really hard on you if you don't play it for three days in a row :(
Oh no :(
Dogging was rubbish :(
One of my new Nintendogs internet friends is taking me out "dogging" tonight!
Yay! Thanks to everyone who emailed in about swapping dogs!
I love Nintendo! Just got Nintendogs and it's EVEN BETTER than Animal Crossing! Wonder if Derek has a dog to swap?! If you have a dog to swap, please mail me!!!
Stupid game!
Today I was trying to explain to my friend Luke how Animal Crossing works. It's ok, Luke is not 28 like Derek, but he is younger. I think he is about 23 because if I look at his photo he sent me in his swimming trunks (I think they look more like pants tbh!!) he has no wrinkles :)
Couldn't sleep, so got up at 4:00am to play. Oxford was in my house! He said he often sneaks in at night to rub his winky on my clothes while I am sleeping :(
I made a new town. Horribles Truffles moved there so I deleted it!!
Derek just sent me a text.
Tom told me he's probably got cancer today :(
Turns out Derek wasn't really into Animal Crossing.
Spent all day texting Derek! He takes AGES to reply!
I went to an Animal Crossing meet-up at the weekend!
I ordered some things from Tom Nook's catalogue the other day and they still haven't turned up.
Apples, Apples, Apples!
Tom Nook creeps me out. Can't I buy new clothes without him following me and perving as I try stuff on? Sicko.
Oh do I have a story about Truffles!
Just had ANOTHER nightmare about the Gyroid. This time, as well as those rotating arms it had a big rotating willy and was chasing me through the village :(
Lost all my Bells trading in turnips on Sunday :(
I met Katrina the Fortune Teller today! She said my cards looked bad and I would probably die young of liver cirrhosis brought about from too much binge-drinking :(
It's the Cherry Blossom Festival today! My character (Neo_Kitty!) went to the market to enjoy the celebrations. Officer Copper was there. He offered me a lift home in his police car. He stopped the car round the back of the village by the Dump.
Had nightmare about fish and cows without faces. They were singing a song about me catching the plague and dying. Then I woke up and didn't have a face, but it was still the dream :(
Saw some MAD new creature today! It was a cow body with a fish head!! It told me its name but I can't remember! It sang me a nursery rhyme! How sweet! ^_^
I set the Gamecube clock to December 25 to see what happened. Tom Nook sent me a letter to say he was with his parents for Christmas, but when I went to the shop I saw him there on his own! I think he was lying about going to see his parents because he didn’t want me to feel sorry for him being alone at Christmas. :(
I've just seen Maddie's glasses in the Lost Property room. Poor Maddie :(
Maddie died:(
Hmmm, there are six bottles of milk outside Maddie's house. I took them to the dump for her. She doesn't answer when I knock. Hope she's OK.